
Menu 澳门威斯尼斯人wns666
  • 1
    Question :
    How does Tanke control the quality of organic trace minerals during production?
    Answer :
    Tanke has advanced and patented production technology including purification process and fludized-drying process. Finished products have good puritiy, stability and flowability. Control of raw materials: all raw materials must be tested qualified before putting into operation; Chelation: temperature and time are automatically controlled; Crystallization: purifying the product and removing heavy metals at the same time. Centrifuged: removing unreacted material, impurities and water; Fluidized drying technology: products are dried efficiently while maintaining the integrity of crystal structure, contributing to good stability and flowability.
  • 2
    Question :
    How to reduce the antagonism of trace minerals in feed?
    Answer :
    Antagonism is, excess intake of a single element can decrease the intestinal absorption of another element. As an example, a high intake of calcium depresses intestinal zinc absorption, while an excess intake of zinc can depress copper absorption. These antagonistic minerals are often ions with the same charge, they share same metal transporters in intestine and therefore cause the competition for absorption. How to reduce the antagonism? Dietary levels and ratios of trace minerals must be reasonable. Secondly, adopt organically bound minerals, for example chelates, competition for absorption can be avoided by using the pathway of the organic ligands.
  • 3
    Question :
    At what stages should we supplement organic trace minerals to layer? And why?
    Answer :
    We recommend to supplement organic trace minerals from the young stage. The research had showed that these higher bio-available organic minerals can contribute to development of skeleton at early stages. More developed bone system is important to the later laying period, and more deposited minerals in the bones will have favor to eggshell formation and cope with all kinds of stress.
  • 4
    Question :
    The main component of eggshell is calcium carbonate, can we only increase the level of calcium and phosphorus to improve the eggshell quality?
    Answer :
    Certainly not enough. Trace minerals are also essential in the diet of laying hens because they participate in egg and eggshell formation, zinc is a part of carbonic anhydrase, a vital enzyme in the deposition of calcium carbonate during shell formation. Mn, Cu contribute to formation of eggshell membrane. They are all related to the thickness and strength of eggshell.

